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Позитив от Wingless: Flip & Fill — Shooting Star
[ ] 31.12.2010, 03:46

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Текст\слова\стихи песни:
Where were you to hold my hand
Do the things that we had planned
Yes I need you by my side
When things go crazy
I just need to know you care
Guarantee that you'll be there
When I wake up in the night
Will you be my guiding light

I don't care how far
I'll take you there tonight
Just tell me where you are
and everything's gonna be alright

Just tell me where you are
where you are where you are
Like a shooting star across the midnight sky
From far from afar just to be with you tonight
Like a shooting star across the midnight sky
From afar from afar just to be with you tonight

Where were you to hold my hand
Do the things that we had planned
Yes I need you by my side
When things go crazy
I just need to know you care
Guarantee that you'll be there
When I wake up in the night
Will you be my guiding light

Like a shooting star
Like a shooting star across the midnight sky
Wherever you are you're gonna see me fly

Like a shooting star across the midnight sky
Wherever you are you're gonna see me fly

Where were you to hold my hand
Do the things that we had planned
Yes I need you by my side
When things go crazy
I just need to know you care
Guarantee that you'll be there
When I wake up in the night
Will you be my guiding light

Where were you to hold my hand
Do the things that we had planned
Yes I need you by my side
When things go crazy
I just need to know you care
Guarantee that you'll be there
When I wake up in the night
Will you be my guiding light
Spoken with you to hold my hand

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Категория: Позитивная музыка современности (MP3) | Добавил: Wingless
Просмотров: 993 | Загрузок: 2
Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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