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Позитив от Wingless: Dr. Alban - Let The Beat Go On
[ ] 04.05.2009, 02:07

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Текст\слова\стихи песни:

Choosing BPM
Is a big problem
Choosing BPM
Is a big problem
A lot of people get hurt
Just for nothing
Due to inability
To make their mind
Make up your mind
Before it gets too late
Action speaks just louder that voice
If you haven't got one
Then ask the doctor
Just ring ring ring
Call I on the phone
Is the key to choose
Is the key to choose

Let the beat go on
Holding on getting strong
Let the beat go on

The youth nowadays
Have difficulties in choosing
The youth nowadays
Have difficulties in choosing
That's why we old
Have to help them out
Before they left them job
And turn a gun-man
Before they left them job
And turn a hooligan
Say mi love part I
But me prefer part II
When mi play them 33
Say mi keep them alive
When mi play them 43
Say they rock and come one
Is the key to choose
Is the key to choose

Let the beat go on
Holding on getting strong
Let the beat go on

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Категория: Позитивная музыка современности (MP3) | Добавил: Wingless
Просмотров: 1605 | Загрузок: 2
Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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