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Позитив от Ollesia: Citizen Cope - Brother Lee
[ ] 21.06.2010, 18:22

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Текст/слова/стихи песни:

On the highway
On the freeway
In the airport
In the airplane
In the airtrain

In Brooklyn U.S.A.
To a Tinsel Town
Where now
What the Dodgers play

And where they fired it
Where they tried it
Where they doubled it
Where they tripled it
Where they flippin' it

And where the car's parked
where the girls dance naked
Where they know when you're fakin' it

And where the rubber meets the road yea
Where the hot meets the cold
The poor meet the soul
Where the young meet the old
Truth be told
I got somethin' on my mind
Y'all gotta know

I got a brother named Lee
Looks just like me
He gotta lotta enemies
Got a brother named Lee
Looks just like me
Both sides of the Mississippi

I got a brother named Lee
Looks just like me
He gotta lotta enemies
Got a brother named Lee
Looks just like me
Both sides of the Mississippi

On the highway
On the freeway
In the airport
On the airtrain
In the airplane

In Brooklyn U.S.A.
To the Tinsel Town
Where now
What the Dodgers play

And when they're searchin' for something
That you will never find
When they lookin' at her and say 'so fine'
When they keep saying it was suicide
When they never seen that look in her father's eye

Where the rubber meet the road
Where the hot meet the cold
The spirit meet the soul
The young meet the old
I say truth be told
I got somethin' on my mind
Y'all gotta know

I got a brother named Lee
Looks just like me
He gotta lotta enemies
Got a brother named Lee
Looks just like me
Both sides of the Mississippi

I got a brother named Lee
Looks just like me
He gotta lotta enemies
Got a brother named Lee
Looks just like me
Both sides of the Mississippi

Both sides of the Mississippi yea
Both sides of the Mississippi yea
Both sides
Both sides
Both sides of the Mississippi yea

Both sides of the Mississippi yea
Both sides
Both sides
Both sides of the Mississippi yea
Both sides of the Mississippi

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Категория: Позитивная музыка современности (MP3) | Добавил: Ollesia
Просмотров: 834 | Загрузок: 2
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