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Позитив от Wingless: Lexter - Freedom To Love
[ ] 07.02.2010, 15:52

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Текст\слова\стихи песни:

We can have the sun 
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love

That is what you get
That is what you give
That is what you get
That is what you give
That is what you get
That is what you give
That is what you get
That is what you give

I a lie
Rise up into the sky
So you don’t have to fight
And make it wanna be alright

You give me strength to carry on
You’re a sholder to lead on all night
I’ll do anything for you to make your dreams come true
I can’t live without you

We can have the sun
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love

We can have the sun
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love

Go away
Why is
I dream of you very night
I’m gonna make you feel alright
I’d do anything i do to make it all come true
Wait, I can’t live without you

We can have the sun
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love

We can have the sun
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love

Right on
Aye, ohh, ohh
Can’t you see?

Give it up
Give it up
Aye, Ohh

I say, go on
We got
Freedom, freedom I get freedom
Freedom, freedom
Freedom to looooooooooooove yeah, yeah

We can have the sun
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love

We can have the sun
We can have the moon
We can have the walk on every sunny afternoon
Reasons to love
You give me freedom to love

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Категория: Позитивная музыка современности (MP3) | Добавил: Wingless
Просмотров: 840 | Загрузок: 6
Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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