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Позитив от Wingless: David Guetta - Memories (featuring Kid Cudi)
[ ] 17.04.2011, 15:31

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Текст\слова\стихи песни:

All that crazy shit i did tonight
those are be the best memories
I just wanna let it go for the night
that would be the best ever thing for me

All that crazy shit i did tonight
those are be the best memories
I just wanna let it go for the night
that would be the best ever thing for me

hey hey (uu)
yeah yeah! (uu)
hey hey! (uu)
yeah yeah! (uu)
hey hey! (uu)
yeah yeah! (uu)

All that crazy shit i did tonight
those are be the best memories
I just wanna let it go for the night
that would be the best ever thing for me

All that crazy shit i did tonight
those are be the best memories
I just wanna let it go for the night
that would be the best ever thing for me

hey hey (uu)
yeah yeah!(uu)
hey hey! (uu)
yeah yeah! (uu)
hey hey! (uu)
yeah yeah! (uu)
hey hey! (uu)
yeah yeah! (uu)

Its geeting late
But I dont mind

Its geeting late
But I dont mind

Its geeting late
But I dont mind

Its geeting late
But I dont mind

Its geeting late
But I dont mind

Its geeting late
But I dont mind

Its geeting late
But I dont mind

Its geeting late
But I dont mind

hey hey! (uu)
yeah yeah! (uu)
hey hey! (uu)
yeah yeah! (uu)
hey hey! (uu)
yeah yeah! (uu)
hey hey! (uu)
yeah yeah! (uu)
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Категория: Позитивная музыка современности (MP3) | Добавил: Wingless
Просмотров: 1036 | Загрузок: 2
Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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