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Позитив от Wingless: Scooter - The Only One (New 2011)
[ ] 27.06.2011, 16:14

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Текст\слова\стихи песни:

The only one I know, has come to take me away

The only one I know, is mine when she stitches me

This one’s for the masses

I’m calling you
stand clear at the doors please


Can't wait for the day to be done
we rock to the rythm and drum
the sunroof's up, the windows down

Move on!

cause i wanna see all the massive
on the stage it’s gonna be impressive
we travel with the speed of sound

it’s the ride you decide

you will never compromise
we analyse the session
get the lesson, if you dare

The only one I know, has come to take me away

The only one I know, is mine when she stitches me

ladies without gentlemen, this is the introduction!

Yeah yeah yeah eah yeah yeah yeah


Nobody’s gonna bring us down
the louder the better we sound
you won’t believe what’s up tonight

take me

you know it’s all about the chicks
the reason we’re still in the mix
I see you in the V.I.P.

No control, let it roll

tonight i’ll take your soul
i confess no regrets
as we progress now

The only one I know, has come to take me away

The only one I know, is mine when she stitches me

argh, we are justified and we are ancient


Yeah yeah yeah eah yeah yeah yeah

The only one I know

The only one I know

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Категория: Клубный драйв (MP3) | Добавил: Wingless
Просмотров: 1083 | Загрузок: 0
Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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